Speaker Request

Are you interested in having a Mission Omega team member speak at an upcoming event?

The Mission Omega team is passionate about fighting financial crime and sharing our expertise and thoughts with a wide range of audiences and industries.

Please submit your request at least two months before your event to allow ample time for processing and scheduling. We appreciate your patience and understanding if we’re not able to meet your request.

To help us better understand your event, please fill out the form below.

Our headquarters

100 Cherokee Blvd. Suite 213, Chattanooga, TN 37405


Mission-driven and purpose led.

Behind every transaction is a human being.

We’re proud to donate 10% of every Omega Advisory engagement, contract and transaction toward the fight against human crime through a donation to The Knoble, a non-profit organization with the mission to protect the vulnerable from human trafficking, child exploitation, scams, and elder abuse.

Watch to learn more about who we are.